Friday, May 4, 2012

5 weekend wants

For some reason, this week flew by.
I have yet to fix my computer (which proves from the lack of posts) and my to do list hasn't gotten any smaller.
In the midst of looking at homes (which happens to be one of my favorite things ever!)and trying to catch up on my sleep from last weekend- I haven't gotten a darn thing done!
Oh well, mama said they'll be days weeks like this :)

what a weekend it will be:
cinco de mayo
the derby

so get your hats on, bourbon/tequila out and let's celebrate!

5 weekend wants

not quite a derby hat and not quite a sombrero-
which makes this the perfect hat for Saturday!
nordstrom  $78

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french sole: drama suede loafers
shopbop $150
The perfect morning shoe for taking the dog out and running all those errands!
I love the mint but it also comes in a pastel pink.

cinco de mayo dress
ella moss ikat maxi dress $188
nieman marcus
just look at those colors!

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derby dress
Whenever I go to the derby, it has to be in polka dots!

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don't mind if I do!!
What's cinco de mayo without a little tequila- right?!?

what are your plans this weekend?
whatever you do- have a great weekend.
hopefully you can relax poolside and have someone else make you that margarita :)

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

sending a "s.o.s."

yep, you've guessed it...
my darn computer is still not working so I have to "sneak" in the office when Mark is not working (which is like at 9pm!!).
So, my posts are coming... I promise!

here is one of my favorite styles this season:
peplum pretty

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asos top

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zara skirt

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peplum dress
nasty gal

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anthropologie top

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I love how feminine this is even with the pants.

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Now we're talking.
Mixing two of my favorite pieces together-
statement pants and peplum.
love, love, love.

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Now, if I only had somewhere to wear this to...

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did someone say beautiful?  cause you should have!

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there you have it folks.
ladylike, stylish, and a cut that just looks good on all body types.
I love me some peplum-
now, where is that train and hat box trend?
sign me up.

a little something to remember:

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