Thursday, January 19, 2012

a gift to remember...

My bookclub just happens to be an amazing group of girls-
We started out as actually reading books and then we moved on to reading wine labels.
I suppose what my husband says is true, it really is "wine club", but we wouldn't have it any other way.
(sometime it's a dance party too)

For the past four years we have had an annual Thanksgiving dinner- everyone brings a dish and the host does the turkey- I mean really folks- it turns out AMAZING every year.

So this year we decided to shake things up a bit and do "secret santas", in January since December is just one crazy month.

As you will see from the photos below- each gift was so thought out- each gift was perfectly tailored to the given individual.

before opening presents.

self timer- had to make sure we got at least "one" good one

and the gift exchange begins!!

She seriously would have been just as happy with the bag.

Laughing at Laura's reaction to JUST the bag.

In all the hubbub, we got crazy and broke a wine glass in the fireplace.

Still freaking out...

AMY: "What a cute dress..." (you can see her pulling it down to the left)
LAURA:  "It's a tank top."


the dance party has begun.

yep- even the dog joined in.

good times.  great friends.

excited united.

so there you have it.  a great night, with great friends.

worth sharing
So as I was reading the february issue of instyle- this popped right out at me.

check out your february issue of instyle
these tips are crazy good.

instyle- february 2012, page 150- check it out!

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