Thursday, November 3, 2011

give thanks

I can hardly believe it, but Thanksgiving is right around the corner.  Have you thought about what you're making, how you're decorating, and what you're wearing?  I am hosting Thanksgiving this year so in the next couple of weeks- I'll share some ideas on how to make this holiday smooth as pumpkin pie.

I am a rustic person at heart, so my tendencies always drift to rustic vintage with a hint of my great aunt annie's silver and china.  Here are some inspirations-

I love the mix of the patterned tablecloth with the feathers.  You can get flowers by the bag at Michael's- cheap, easy, and you can have the kids make Indian feather warbonnets for after dinner fun!

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Another great inexpensive piece for the table- you just need some time.  Looks clean and rustic.

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Now this is what I'm talking about!  You could also set the napkin and silver to the side and write names on the wood.  You can buy the marker and wood slab at Michael's as well.

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Love this dessert table-
rustic- check.
vintage- check.
I happen to have the perfect antique pie chest that I will be assembling my desserts on! 

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 a great welcome to a great night.

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I love this idea!  It would be great for an outdoor Thanksgiving dinner. 

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If my front door looked like this I seriously couldn't take it down for my Christmas decorations the next day... yes, I said next.  If I wasn't hosting Thanksgiving, I would consider putting up Christmas decorations tomorrow.- okay, this weekend.

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A little more doable on my part.

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Another staple in my house- the chalkboard.  I am becoming slightly obsessed from painting walls to wine glasses.

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no stress, no mess
I like.

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cutest plates ever.  You should see the large wishbone platter- even more adorable.

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Slate- set these at the table and write the guests name for seating placement

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how refreshing is this?  I love the bin in the middle- grab a cheap one from your local hardware store and use it in the spring to plant flowers in.  They have all sorts of galvanized items- way cheaper than pottery barn!!

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I would sit, eat, drink, and stare all day long.

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Another idea that I am obssesed with are individual salt and pepper cellars.  If you live in St. Louis- puulease head down to Cherokee Street; an amazing street of antique shops that has an array of furniture, china, clothes, knobs- pretty much everything.

While you're at it... stop by Mississippi Mud for a coffee break or a bite to eat- it is quite delicious!! 

Here are some of my favorite salt and pepper cellars:

Happy Friday!!  I am off to Texas... I'm going to spend some much needed time with my family, eat some tex mex, and put on my boots!!  Ya'll have a great weekend!

5 weekend necessities

foley and corinna city tote- I don't go anywhere without mine!!

pakros low boot- this is the closest you will see me in a cowboy boot

newsboy cap- I just fold mine in half and stick it in my bag-
This way, I don't have to worry about my hair the rest of the weekend!!

planes are always freezing and who wants to use those blankets?  not me.
This shawl is perfect for those late night evenings outside as well.

you can't go to texas without denim!!  I mean- if it's hot throw it on top of a floral dress, if it's cool throw it on top a striped long sleeve!! 

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